Urban Hunting
Mostrami is a collective that aims to serve as a showcase for young artists, with the goal of supporting emerging art and allowing artists to give greater visibility to their works.
The mission is to bring as many people as possible closer to young art by promoting it as a tool for social responsibility.
They operate offline with exhibitions and projects around Italy and since 2017, in Milan, with Mostrami Factory at Fabbrica del Vapore; online through dedicated platforms.
Developing a process that integrates digital with street art, going to “augment” the works created on shutters spread throughout the Milan area, with experiences in AR that help promote the principles of the 2030 agenda, for the creation of a great Game of the Goose.
Generation of site-specific AR experiences related to the individual works created, which, during individual on-site events produced by Mostrami, can help visitors learn more about the subject and theme of the work, closely related to the principles of the 2030 Agenda. Through Qrcodes pre-set and made through the use of sprays directly by the artists in a specific area of the works, each passerby can and will be able later (even post-event) to access the information in AR through IG and FB platforms, with direct tracking on the work.
Support for project planning and response to funding calls, support in finding sponsors and technical partners, selection of the most effective works, realization of dynamic Qrcodes, digitization of works, realization of AR filters with tracking and publication on reference pages, monitoring data interactions.

Offline communication

How it works
In some quarters of the city of Milan, young street artists have created murals above the shutters of various commercial establishments in the city, each of them related to the sustainability goals of the 2030 Agenda, .
Each work has been assigned a QR code that allows access to multimedia content and an Augmented Reality experience that can better introduce the work, its artist and receive more information about the Sustainable Development Goals.

“Grazie alla partecipazione di DOS City Pixel, il circuito di Open City Art ha mostrato dinamiche innovative di engagement, partecipazione e fruizione.
È proprio grazie alla realtà aumentata che Open City Art è riuscito a coinvolgere un pubblico ancora più eterogeneo, intergenerazionale e a rendere accessibili i suoi contenuti. E’ anche attraverso i QR code e la realtà aumentata che si è realizzata l’attività di sensibilizzazione e viralizzazione dei temi cardine di Open City Art che hanno toccato i 17 goal dell’Agenda ONU 2030.”